Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making:
- Introduction:
Behavioral Economics is heavily based on descriptive decision theories i.e. Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. In other word, Behavioral Economics is the application of psychology of decision making research findings in the field of Economics. Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary field between Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. Thus every one who wants to learn Behavioral Economics should learn a lot about Psychology of Judgment and be aware of Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. - Websites and Weblogs:
1. The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of decision.
2. Social Psychology Network is the largest social psychology database on the Internet.
3. Decision Science News is a website about decision research in Psychology, Economics, Business, Medicine & Law written by Dan Goldstein - Basic Books:
1. The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making written by Scott Plous
2. Rational Choice in an Uncertain World : The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making written by Robyn M. Dawes
3. Judgment in Managerial Decision Making written by Max H. Bazerman
4. Blackwell Handbook Of Judgment And Decision Making (Blackwell Handbooks of Experimental Psychology) by Derek J. Koehler and Nigel Harvey (Hardcover - Oct 2004)
5. Judgment under Uncertainty : Heuristics and Biases (Paperback) by Daniel Kahneman (Editor), Paul Slovic (Editor), Amos Tversky (Editor)
6. Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making